
tina 發表於:2002/10/27  
first asthma symptom
Dear Doctor,
My son is 22 months old, he had about 8-10 times flu/or ear infection/or throat infection during last four months (It's winter in Australia and he is attending to child care too).
He also has eczema since he was four months old.

This time he had flu symptoms for two days (runing nose, snizzing) then last night he cough for one hour and vomitted when he coughed too much. I took him to the doctor today because he had wheezing and very fast breathing, the doctor said he has asthma and priscribed erythromycin and ventolin inhaler.

I would like to ask you few questions:
1, How often should I give him ventolin inhaler and can you tell me more about ventolin?
2, Is he more likely becoming a asthma kid?
3, What can I do to help him?
Please answer in Chinese.

Thank you very much

1.有關ventolin與berotec(備勞喘)一樣,也是一種氣管擴張劑,是用於急性發作時的緊急症狀緩解用藥或預防運動誘發型氣喘,不可"長期規律"使用,會引起耐藥(tolerance)而降低藥效。所以如發作頻繁應由醫生開立"保養性用藥"而不能只濫用支氣管擴張劑。一般一天用4 次, 可以用個幾天, 不宜超過一星期。但是在非常急性發作(非常喘, 呼吸困難),每次需吸一至二吸,若無效約20分鐘至半小時可再使用,三次以上仍未緩解需就醫治療。使用後有些人會有心跳快速,心悸,手抖,全身發抖症狀。當停止使用藥物後便可緩解症狀。
2.小孩子4個月大有濕疹, 也可能是異位性皮膚炎的表現, 若伴隨癢, 會更像。現在22 月大, 呼吸有喘鳴聲, 呼吸急促, 也有可能是細支氣管炎, 不一定是氣喘。可是若經常發作, 有過敏的家族史, 2 歲以後又有喘鳴聲, 呼吸急促突然發生, 要高度懷疑患有氣喘。
3. 如果確定是氣喘, 要視發作的頻率來分級而給藥, 平常可能就要避免感染誘發氣喘, 一些氣喘衛教(衛教專區有詳述)須注意!